Monday, March 30, 2015

Garbage Glam

The devoted and artistic follower of stylized photography--especially our own brand of it--knows that the magic and beauty of it all comes down to one most important element: juxtaposition

For the less-devoted follower who does not know the meaning of such elevated diction, 'juxtaposition' is putting things together that create a surprising or unexpected contrast. 
Photographers often add intrigue and whimsy to a shoot by placing their subject in a setting that does not immediately match the subject's style. They frequently portray their glamorous subjects in industrial settings; the soft lines on the subject, created by romantic clothing and hairstyles, are a stark contrast to the bold lines and angles of industrial architecture.

We took the same principle and applied it with a more natural, earthy (some might even say recycled) approach. Two subjects with unique styles in distinctly opposite settings showcase the cathartic and beautiful art of juxtaposition. The meeting of class and trash creates this perfectly.  

Nothing says "glamour" like toilet paper in mismatched shoes.

Though complete opposites in style, the models in these photos hardly seem different. Both stunningly embrace the contrast between garbage and glam. Sometimes in art, and in life, juxtapositions actually make us the same, bridging the gaps between our differences.  

How does that saying go? "One man's trash is another man's treasure"? We're not sure which man threw this diva in the trash, but doesn't she look like a treasure? 

And out of what man's trash did this one crawl? We don't know either, but no garbage dweller ever looked more beautiful.

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